
Episode 1. Arya believed herself to be a progressive modern Indian woman. She had ditched feminism and taken on the identity of an equitarian. But she never came around to seeing herself married. When it came to her orientation she knew she was definitely straight. She could appreciate hot looking women but men definitely fucked with her neurochemicals. At 29 years old and being single all her life, Arya believed the type of man she wanted, the kind that shared chores, that liked to cuddle, who was sensitive, who was super successful yet super humble, was rare. That was not the only reason she was single though; in reality she was not confident enough, was shy and didn’t know how to interact with men. Now looking at herself in the mirror she was mildly shocked it had come to this- an arranged marriage. Well, for now, she was decked up for an arranged engagement. Things had progressed fast- all it took was one night of binge facebook scrolling to realised she was wayyyyy behind on the

10 cheap home decor items under Rs 200 from Amazon India

  Are you looking to make your house a home but without spending a bomb on it? Me too! So I couldn’t resist letting my fellow frugal beings also know about the gazillian things you can buy to decorate your home under Rs.200 on amazon India! 1.       1. Miniature bicycle-  I am not one for show piece items but this metal bicycle adds a laid back cool factor anywhere. Also we have one at home and it seems to be every child’s fave.   2.        2. Uber cool and edgy hexogon wall triplets wall hanging- I’m honestly shocked that these edgy threesome come so cheap since they instantly give our walls that elite home feeling. And there’s a design for every preference! 3.    3. If you want to bring that colourful ethnic artsy feeling into your house these hangings should do the trick                                              4.        4. This quirky specs stand is useful and look amazing!   5. Here’s another one - 5.        6. Cute Buddha incense waterfall thin